Member roles are designed to allow users to administer specific sections of their ChapterWeb site. For example, user 1 can have access to manage the Calendar, while user 2 can have access to manage the calendar and files sections.

Default Member Roles

Here is a listing of all of the default member roles as well as a brief description for each.

Please note: If you need a new role created that has special permissions, you will need to contact ChapterWeb Support.


The administrator has access to add/edit/delete any section or page within the ChapterWeb site. We usually see about 1-2 site administrators per chapter.

Calendar Administrator

This member role will allow users to modify all portions of the Calendar section, including the ability to create, edit and delete calendar events.

Contacts Administrator

The member(s) assigned to this role will receive the contact form notifications that are submitted from the Contact Form on the public web site contact page.

Content Administrator

This member role will allow users to edit site content on both the member home page, as well as the content pages on the public web site using the built-in text/html editor.

Files Administrator

This member role will allow users to add, edit, and delete documents from the Files section. Files administrators can also assign categories and set access permissions on all uploaded files.

Hours Administrator

This member role will allow users to add, edit, and delete hours entries for all ChapterWeb site members. Hours administrators also have the ability to run all chapter reports listed in the Reports section of the site for all chapter members.

Photo Gallery Administrator

This member role will allow users to add, edit, and delete photos within the Photo Gallery section. Photo gallery administrators can also create and edit photo albums used to organize chapter photos.

Philanthropy Liaison

This member role allows users to add, edit, and delete items from their Philanthropy information section. They will also be able to add, edit, and delete events on the Calendar that related to their specific Philanthropy only.

Please Note: In order for a Philanthropy Liaison to be able to add, edit and delete items from their Philanthropy information section and add, edit and delete events to the calendar related to their Philanthropy, an Administrator will need to assign the member to the role called “Philanthropy Liaison” and list the member to a philanthropy within the Philanthropies page.

Additional Roles (Request-based)

Philanthropy Administrator

This member role allows users to add, edit, and delete Philanthropies. They can also assign users to and remove them from Philanthropies. These users can add events to the calendar by default.

Class Advisor

This member role allows users to assign other users to and remove them from any child class. They will also be able to add, edit, and delete events on the Calendar that related to their specific child class only.

Please Note: In order for a Class Advisor to assign other users to and remove them from any child class and add, edit and delete events to the calendar related to their child class, an Administrator will need to assign the member to the role called “Class Advisor” and list the member to a child class within the Child Classes subpage.

How to Set Member Roles

Note: You must have administrative rights in order to set member roles.

  1. Click on the ‘Members’ link in the top navigation
  2. In the list of sub-links, you will see a link for ‘Roles’
  3. Next to each listed role, you can click on the ‘List Users’ links to see all users who currently belong to that role.
  4. In the upper-right hand corner of the next screen, you will see an option to ‘Add Members’ to that role by selecting them from the provided list.
  5. Choose all members who need to be added to the specific role and select the ‘Add to Role’ button.