Thank you for being a loyal ChapterWeb subscriber! We want to let you know that ChapterWeb will be increasing its price from $67 per month to $99 per month (billed annually) upon your next renewal cycle. In the 19+ years of its existence ChapterWeb has not once raised prices, however due to the increase in costs for labor, servers, and other related items, it is time for us to make this change.

We are developing new features for the product that we will roll out throughout the year, including a full responsive site redesign, which will allow for a much improved user experience on mobile devices and tablets. We are also exploring other integrations to enhance various sections of the product, and will look to roll these out each quarter. Our goal is to continue to improve our product and platform, making it even more helpful to help run your organization.

Thank you for your continued support of the ChapterWeb product. We look forward to the continued improvements for ChapterWeb to support organizations such as yours.