As a site administrator or report administrator, you are authorized to view reports of all members in your chapter. All reports will be exported as .pdf files.
For all report categories (Philanthropy, League and Calendar), the interface will be the same.
To create a report, follow these steps:
- While in the Reports section, click on the category that you want to generate a report for.
- Fill out the date range of the report. (See item 1)
- Search for the members that you want to appear in the report (if applicable). (See item 2)
- Check all Member Role, Status, Class and/or Philanthropy that you’d like to appear. (See item 3)
- Select the report’s Group by and Report Type.
- Click on ‘View Report’ to generate report.
- A message window will pop up to ask whether you want to open or save the file. Select your action.